Our Instructors

Manny Dive

Manny Katz

Manny Katz prides himself on two aspects of diving, safety and fun. Although safety may be his top priority, fun comes in at a close second. When you dive with this decorated veteran of the diving world, you will see the ocean in a way you never dreamed possible as he uncovers hidden gems invisible to the untrained eye. Sign up for a course today and let Manny change your life for the better!

Crash Beatty

Hailing from the great state of North Carolina (USA), Crash is one of the most decorated dive instructors to grace these waters. With his years of experience, flawless dive record, and movie-star good looks, Crash is the perfect counter-balance to Manny in every way. Crash is a seasonal instructor and the company CTO, so if you are lucky enough to dive with this legend be sure to cherish it.